Tag : Ghazal

Zameen Kha Gai Aasman Kaise Kaise

Zameen Kha Gai Aasman Kaise Kaise

Not many cities have risen to the iconic stature as has Delhi. It has also seen its glorious figures forgotten in its prolonged history. Delhi has long been the heart of art, culture and trade. Centuries before reaching the zenith of its glory in the late Mughal period, Delhi made the legendary Amir Khusro call… continue reading

Romance of Urdu in India

Concept and Text: Aftab Husain Speaking about literature in terms of a Hindu-Muslim divide might seem politically incorrect but, at times, it is necessary to have a ‘communal’ perspective only to get a secular picture of the phenomenon Apart from sharing a humanist-progressive worldview in life and literature, Hindi critic Professor Namwar Singh and fiction… continue reading


In the latter half of twentieth century, the world was hit by a Feminist storm; and rightly so. The female voices rose to break free of the four-walls behind which they had always remained unheard in a strongly patriarchal society. We mention here some names and their works that championed the cause of Feminism in… continue reading

Zafar Iqbal Rekhta Blog

Zafar Iqbal: The canon maker of modern Urdu ghazal

Zafar Iqbal’s poetry contains an element of protest. Here are some couplets of Zafar Iqbal that will surely awaken your conscience.

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