Tag : Poetry

cover, eye, image, poems, idioms

आँखों से सम्बंधित मुहावरे: आँखें शरीर को ही नहीं भाषा को भी ख़ूबसूरत बनाती हैं!

आँखें वैसे तो शरीर के दूसरे अंगों की तरह एकअंग ही हैं जिनके द्वारा हम संसार को देखते हैं और उसके दृश्यों से सम्बंध स्थापित करते हैं, लेकिन हमारी ज़िंदगी में इनकी अहमियत शरीर के दुसरे अंगों की अपेक्षा कुछ ज़्यादा ही रही है. अदब व शायरी में भी आँखों के इर्द-गिर्द नये नये मज़ामीन बाँधे गये हैं, उनके सौन्दर्य की प्रशंसा की गयी है

stories, vikram, vetaal

Wondrous Literary Narratives

Literary narratives are known to have a latent relationship between their oral and written forms. Two analogous Indian narratives–Singhasan Batteesi (Thirty-Two Tales of the Throne) and Baitaal Pacheesi (Twenty-five Tales of Baital)–that have passed from the oral to a variety of written forms over a long period of time may be mentioned in this context.

Satyavan and Savitri: the story of love’s victory over death.

Satyavan and Savitri: the story of love’s victory over death

Traced back to the Mahabharata, here is a story that Rishi Markandeya narrated to Raja Yudhishthira. The story which praises the virtues of a zealous woman and a devoted wife is that of Savitri who figured in Devi Bhgwat Purana and also became the subject of several literary compositions in the East and the West.

Here are some shers that have been often used by politicians.

Poetry in politics, politics in poetry

Poetry has many uses. Politicians too have explored poetry in their own ways. Here are some shers that have been often used by them.

mirror, aaina-shayari, poetry


Mirror has been used both as a metaphor and a symbol in Urdu poetry. Here is how some of the poets have explored the different aspects of a mirror in their shers: Now, looking at herself in the mirror she is despaired Then, how proud she was for not proffering her heart Look into the… continue reading

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