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Let’s count them words!

Different poets might use slightly different distribution of words and word clouds are typically used to convey information about the distribution of words in some specific context. The more a word is used, the bigger it is on the cloud. So, let us make these word clouds for some prominent poets and see if they convey some insight into their commonalities and distinctiveness. 

Guru Nanak Books Jayanti Blog

بابا نانک شاہ گرو

'ہند کو اک 'مرد کامل' نے جگایا خواب سے'

بابا نانک جی کا پیغام ہمارے لئے صرف ذاتی حیثیت ہی سے نہیں بلکہ جماعتی لحاظ سے بھی بہت ضروری اور قابل  قدر ہے۔ اس دیس میں جہاں ہزاروں برس سے مختلف مذہبوں کے ماننے والے بستے ہیں ابھی تک باہمی مفاہمت اور رواداری اور یکتا کی وہ روح، وہ فضا پیدا نہیں ہوسکی ہے جو ہر قسم کی مادی اور اخلاقی ترقی کے لئے پہلی شرط ہے۔

Bahadur Shah Zafar Blog

Bahadur Shah Zafar: The emperor poet of Delhi

Bahadur Shah Zafar was born on October 14, 1775, in the last quarter of the eighteenth century. The empire was on the decline. Bahadur Shah Zafar ascended the throne of Delhi, as a symbolic king. His territory of the reign was limited to the Red Fort itself.

Delhi Shayari Blog

दिल्ली अपने शाइ’रों की नज़र में

दिल्ली वक़्त जितना ही पुराना शह्र है। इस शह्र के सब से पुराने आसार तक़रीबन 300 क़ब्ल-ए-मसीह के आस-पास के हैं। ये शह्र हमेशा से तहज़ीब, तरक़्क़ी और फ़ुनून-ए-लतीफ़ा का मर्कज़ रहा है। इसी लिए, जब हम तारीख़ के पन्ने पलटते हैं तो पाते हैं कि इस शह्र ने जितने आली-मर्तबत लोगों को अपनी तरफ़ खींचा, उतने ही हम्लावरों को भी।

Majaz Blog

एक सच, एक अफ़साना : असरारुल-हक़ ‘मजाज़’

मजाज़ या’नी वो असरार जिन्हें दुनिया आज उस की मौत के 67 साल बा’द भी समझने की कोशिश में मुब्तला है। जिस के इ’श्क़, जुनून, मुहब्बत, हाज़िर-जवाबी, मयनोशी, और मौत के इर्द-गिर्द इतने क़िस्से सुने-सुनाए गए हैं कि उन में कौन सा सच और कौन सा अफ़्वाह है, फ़र्क़ करना मुश्किल है।

Syed Ahmad Khan who excelled in many ways as an educationist, reformer, religious commentator, historian, biographer, political visionary, and institution maker, made it possible for the literati of his times to realize the importance of political changes occurring then. He could visualize their impact on society, and think of the possible ways that might be adopted to create a better socio-cultural condition. Apart from many others, three of his contributions—the creation of Aligarh Scientific Society, the launching of a journal Tehzeebul Akhlaq, and the establishment of Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College on the pattern of Oxford and Cambridge—made way for liberal thinking in the field of education. He emphasized on Western scientific knowledge, promoted translations of Western literatures into Urdu, and reflected on issues relating to culture, society, manners, and morals. Although his impact on literature was not as direct as that of the others but he created a healthy condition that made way for the poets and writers to reflect upon the ways that could help them imagine literature as social text.


Extraordinary Reformer; Amazing Iconoclast

Syed Ahmad Khan, who is better known and addressed as Sir Syed, was a canonical figure of India’s intellectual history. He passed away in 1898 but stays with us with his writings on a variety of subjects that have not lost their relevance even though they are deeply rooted in their times.

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